SCP Foundation Addon

The SCP Foundation adds nearly a dozen new creatures to Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The addon is standalone – does not replace anything in Minecraft BE. Mobs have their own unique models, textures and features.

By the way, the addon works in Minecraft Bedrock Edition on version 1.14. If you need to qualitatively diversify mobs, then this modification will do just fine! Successful battles in the MCBE!



  1. Can someone make a separate Addons without Humans Refute so it doesn’t crash on me cause (;-;)

  2. Door facing tool doesn’t work. The doors, lever, and button are entity’s so they are killed if you /Kill @e. The doors only open one way and cannot be changed. I would appreciate any help to remedy this since I would like to use the doors. same with the turrets, anyway they are face the projectile only shoots 1 way leaving line upon lines across your screen and even the possibility of crashing it.

  3. how do u download

  4. How do u download plz answer

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