X-Ray Mod

Mod X-Ray adds a sophisticated, but at the same time easy-to-use X-ray system in the game.

Basically, the X-Ray mod will allow you to detect certain types of ores looking through the blocks and see only those that you select in the X-Ray options, such as iron ores, gold, lapis lazuli, diamonds, etc.

How to use?
After you installed the mod and went into the world of Minecraft PE, you will see a new button that appears in the lower right corner of the screen. If you are playing on a tablet, then the digger may not be fully displayed, but you will still be able to click it.

Select X-Ray and the type of blocks that you want to detect through the blocks. In this example, we chose to detect coal, iron ore and other ores.

Exit the Minecraft PE menu and go to the options to enable fancy graphics if it is not enabled.

Now you can see through the blocks and find diamond ores, underground tunnels and much more.

X-Ray Mod Screenshots:

Installing the X-Ray mod:
Download mod.
Run the BlockLauncher.
Click on the wrench, and then “Settings BL”
Go to “ModPE Script” and click “Add”.
Now you need to find the downloaded mod in the file system of your device and click on it.
The mod is installed!



  1. When I try to download it, it takes me to the coding of it. I don’t know how to properly download it.

  2. I’m on safari it still brings me to codes

  3. Doesn’t work in multiplayer :(. I wanted to use this on a Realm.

    • I downloaded the ENTITY XRAY because things have been getting laggy around my base. I already dug to bedrock 5 chunks by 5 chunks… except my base is 9 chunks by 9 chunks. I downloaded this to look for groups of mobs that i might not have found yet. It works on my REALM just fine. Im assuming your using the ORE XRAY possibly? ENTITY XRAY does work on Realms.

  4. I’m confused, where about sister the mod to even download?

  5. I read installing X-ray mod.I clicked on rench and then I need to settings lb but it not there

  6. Idk where is the download button

  7. I love to use this app

  8. i downloaded it but it says that it is not supported on this minecraft version (1.15.55) what version is it for?

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